.....My haunting passion was the island. I ransacked libraries for the literature of Islands, the more desolate they were the better I was pleased. I pored over great maps till Polynesia and Melanesia were more familiar than the geography of the county in which I lived. I found that men who had written of Utopia and other impossible things were as mad as I was about Islands, and I loved them all and read their books over and over again. I knew the Hebrides by heart, I was at home in the archipelagoes of the Pacific, I could thread my way through among the smallest groups of the Indies, East and West, and a navigator of the Cyclades might almost have used me for a pilot. Columbus, Magellan, Drake, Dampier, Anson, Cook - these were the names of my familiar spirits; and had I not sailed with Odysseus of many devices over leagues and leagues of the the unharvested seas? It was always the little islands I loved the best, and if they were not only small but remote, like St.KIlda, Kerguelen, or Juan Fernandez, so that the mariner shipwrecked on their shores might have reasonable chance of being unrescued for years, I rejoiced like the man who discovered a treasure hid in a field........
L.P. Jacks - Among the Idol Makers - Williams and Norgate - London 1912